Tax-Exempt Donations
Owl Eye Art Institute is a registered nonprofit in the state of Kansas. We have partnered with Fractured Atlas for tax-exempt donations. Fractured Atlas is a fiscal sponsor and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that allows donors to send tax exempt donations directly to our cause. While we await approval of our own 501(c)(3) status we will be organizing fundraising projects through Fractured Atlas. For more information on Fractured Atlas click the link below.
Your generosity makes a significant impact on the lives of individuals facing hardships. By donating to our nonprofit, you help us provide educational services in the arts, photography and visual design. Your support enables us to use art as a therapeutic endeavor, fostering creativity and healing.
Your gift enables our team to secure materials such as cameras and software for aspiring artists, and educational resources such as mentoring and training sessions.
We've partnered with Fractured Atlas to accept fully deductible tax-exempt* personal donations and grants.
Click the button or link to donate today!
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