Submit this form and we'll reach out about joining the Owl Eye Art Institute. We will work with you one-on-one to assess your needs and how we can assist you in growing your art.
This consultation costs nothing but a little bit of your time! Money should not be a barrier for furthering your entry into the arts. As such, membership and discussion about your needs are free.
We will discuss what would benefit you the most, be it one-on-one mentorship with an artist, or education at a local community college or university, or finding nonprofit programs that assist with artists to grow their careers. If you're in need of resources to grow, we can assist in finding and securing those resources. If you simply need a starting point to find help, we can assist with that as well.
You will be listed as a member of Owl Eye Art Institute, and you can showcase your art here as one of our Artists!
How did you discover us? *
Select an option
What sort of art do you do? In what ways could we assist you to grow? What's your favorite color? *